
FOOD名言集 「ビーンズが入っていないタコスなんて、タコスじゃないよー!」「Curried Out」(カレーにやられた…)「She's a ice cream expert」「everything is good if it's sweet potato flavor」、今日聞いた名言集。確かに日本ってあまりビーンズ食べない…

Ice cube in green tea.


philosophia 愛する知、知を愛すること=愛知 by 益川さん コーンポタージュのお風呂に入っている気分なの in the car.

test title

testing! It's working. It's fantastic! This is very fun! Very Useful, but I have to keep this secret because I'm not writing this for someone to see, but for me to collect thing that I never want to forget! So this is my private golden mem…