Iceland is HOT!

I've been thinking about Iceland a lot these days... is it because simply it's getting soooo cold these days? Well that could be one of the reason, and it is enough reason for me to put Iceland moment into my head. Once this fine cute country emerged into my thoughts, I want to know about that place more and more day by day. The point where my standing at the middle of searching the place, one result came out and that is "there are not enough information what Japanese language can bring from iceland even on the internet". How this could happen this time of the century! But it was great oppotunity to let me notice that Iceland has great potential by looking through Japanese eyes. Now I'd better start to learn iceland language, not Chinese.... Never never.... Chinese is not my thing. (how selfish!) Any way I must leave this here.
ICELANDia アイスランドブログ