Before Sunset (2004)
監督: リチャード・リンクレイター
脚本: リチャード・リンクレイター
出演:イーサン・ホーク as ジェシー
    ジュリー・デルピー as セリーヌ

Happy New Year!
This was my first movie of 2010. It is my second time to see this but it surely had some air or mood to catch my heart more than first time. How you feel about the movie depends on how you were or what you were doing at that moment in your life, and it's great barometer of your feeling wave through the life.
Director, Richard Linklater is one of my favorite movie director who directed 'School of Rock', 'Waking Life' and 'First Food Nation' (all his movies has different taste, it is amazing!) and so on. Before Sunset was shoot only in 15 days according to wikipedia. Movie itself has very simple structre, the core is catch ball of conversations between two people, Jessie and Celine. But each scene goes super long shot! Maybe you don't even notice if you don't care that much, but once you find how long each sence is, you must be surprised, becuase actors has to remember all the line for one scene. Even if two actors (Jessie and Celine) were the creator of the script, memorizing all the lines must be not that eazy. But because they were one of creators, they could arrange the details which brought great success to this movie.
I think this movie's whole point is the ending part, the part where they get along in Celine's room. All the first scene and conversations were only little guide to bring us there. Even if it's the creators point or goal, I still think this movie has very neat element to attract people, which is wonderful.

Before Sunset (2004) - IMDb
映画 ビフォア・サンセット - allcinema