bechamel sauce
Usually it appears with the word "white sauce", my favorite food (or should I say just a souce), the king of the item makes many food good or better. Of course itself only tastes very delicious too.
The food combaines wiht bechamel sauce are... かにクリームコロッケ、ラザニア、ドリア、グラタン、クリームシチュー、オムライス... and so on.

I decide one thing right this moment, let's be able to do something every month and keep them in a blog. Line them up and seeing it might makes me the feeling of progress and achievement, I know I'm easy person. In January case, I became able to make bechamel sause!!! Yeah! I'm a bechamel master now.
My first かにクリームコロッケ were so so so good, I love it! My mother hates cooks so she didn't cook any too much work dinner. So original かにクリームコロッケ at home was kind of one of my dream. I made one dream come true! I just didn't want forget this excitement and need it to see what can I will be able to do this coming month or this month. Let's see!!